Thursday, May 13, 2010

Flowers on Foggy Ocean Day

We are sensitive to warmth

and it was a chill gray all day

the waters slate,  the sky fogged like smoke

but not the flowers

they were heavy with fragrance and color cajoled from the light and warmth of other days.

Short lived glory...time waits for no rose...Today yes..

Walking warmed us up.  We left the path above the sea and enjoyed the gardens along the more protected lanes.

How gray is a day on a street named Inspiration
when golden roses are blooming?



GretchenJoanna said...



Thanks for the lovliness.

Neal said...

Makes you want to sit in that beautiful garden and reflect.. thank you...

Carol............. said...

WOW for the salmon colored roses! How lovely.

MMMMmmmmm, I planted a bunch of Swiss Chard yesterday so your recipe will come in handy this summer...can't wait, it sounds delicious.

Carol............. said...

Thank you for leaving me the tip on Neem Oil for the nasty little creatures that are trying to eat my currant bushes!