In Monterey at one of the downtown historic state parks, Cooper Molero,
the barn and the sky prompted me to pull out a camera.
Later in Pacific Grove....
January sunshine lit the distant sails of a small boat .
Since February 1, 1855, the Point Pinos Lighthouse has flashed its beacon nightly to guide ships off the rocky coasts.
Birds are often beacons of light for me.
I know there are observable differences between Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets. As I watched this bird today, I even knew what the differences were, but wasn't sure I was remembering which of the distinctions went to which bird. So I checked when I got home and made this little chart to re-remind myself once again.
Feature Great Egrets Snowy Egrets
Color White White
Size: 39" 24"
Bill Yellow Bill Black Bill
Legs & Feet Black Legs & Feet Black legs bright yellow feet
To complicate matters, when Little Blue Herons are immature they are also white with black bills but they have yellow facial skin at the base of their bills and their legs are black in the front and yellow in the back... Seriously, confusions are easy to come by, I am not making this up.
I don't need to know "who" the bird is for my heart to leap, but the beauty of creation does deserve to be appreciated in all its details. And it seems good to me and for me to pay attention and to exercise and double check my ability to retain and retrieve information details.
To complicate matters, when Little Blue Herons are immature they are also white with black bills but they have yellow facial skin at the base of their bills and their legs are black in the front and yellow in the back... Seriously, confusions are easy to come by, I am not making this up.
I don't need to know "who" the bird is for my heart to leap, but the beauty of creation does deserve to be appreciated in all its details. And it seems good to me and for me to pay attention and to exercise and double check my ability to retain and retrieve information details.
Black feet, yellow bill...big bird: it's a Great Egret Ardea Alba
Even at a distance...this smooth round stone stands out.
The waves washed in and it would disappear...and as each wave subsided
I saw it again and marveled anew.