Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Follow Up on those Apricot Trees now almost ONE Year Old

In my last post,  many months ago, I chronicled my adventure with some apricot pits. 

If you would like to read about my adventure of starting stone fruit from pits, you can read about that here.

The bag of soil and pits hung out in my refrig longer than they needed to, but it was last October 2020, that I planted the sprouts in soil, making these young trees not quite one year old.  I am really pleased with their growth and have enjoyed repotting them several times as their growth spurts suggested.

I am still trying to figure out  the ideal spot in my garden so all the trees are still in pots. This one is on my deck and keeps me good company.  Many of the little trees have been gifted to grow in  friends' gardens and I hope they, my friends and the trees, are all happy.  

Wishing any readers that wander in here very best wishes as well... leave a hello if you like!  I'll likely respond.