Monday, June 6, 2011

Sharing a Sunny Low Tide Otter Kind of Morning

It's been a busy time at the house, spring brings so many outdoor clean up projects and the alternating days of rain and sun make for lots of weeds.  This Monday morning, after a weekend of rain, the sun was out, the tide was low, the water still and there were otters in the cove.

                        In the center of the kelp bed lay a mother otter 
and her nursing pup.

Further out in the cove several otter were diving for breakfast.

The kelp itself was a lovely sight.

 Here is my very zoomed in close up.... I'll try to tuck my camera in a pocket and  try again soon to share the glimpses  I get of my western neighbors and their dynamic abode.



GretchenJoanna said...

It's so nice to catch up a bit with The Cove! ...and you, watching the cove. I believe you, that the otters are there.

Leslie said...

These are breathtakingly beautiful. Wow.


My first grade class use to enjoy a book called ... Otters, The Happiest Animals on Earth. I don't know if they are really happy, but they are cute.


John said...

Fantastic, I wish I had your views and the ability to look out on the ocean and see the life within it. Thank you so much for the pictures.

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Aaaahhhhhhh! Lovely, lovely place to rest and read. I am in a flowing dress but have spent the day in the kitchen making mayo and hummus and more. It's so good to pause for a visit with you to delight in seeing that the Hand of God that made all the gorgeous flowers in my garden was a fabulous multi-tasker making beauty among/along the seaside.

Oh, how I do miss the seashore . . . Thank you for posting beauty to share. I soak it up and smile.


Unknown said...

What a really neat thing to see :)