Sunday, January 21, 2018

Journaling: to cull or to burn?

From My Journal: December 29, 2017

"I'll end this year's journal with a joke...I'd like to sort through and organize my years of scribbles and redact as might be indicated.  In other words, I would like to do something with them. "

 A fire at the beach is one possibility as organization doesn't seem to be my strong suit lately and yet they are collected chronologically at this point; a full step away from simple chaos.  I also think of typing up ( is that even a verb anymore?) excerpts.  So to cull or to burn, that is the question.   It frightened me enough that I went right out and bought three blank books yesterday and wrote 2018 on the cover of one of them.

And now....I have typed up and edited an excerpt, haven't I?  If I am  sensitive about conditions changing, even this small change I have made may be a big enough perturbation in my original trajectory to lead to something other than a bonfire.  I am not, however, predicting anything.


Neal said...

Always a dilemma. One writes things or photographs things and then what does one keep??? What will those who read or see the things after we are gone do with it, or will they even care?? I have taken the position, possibly selfish, that I do things for me... photos, writings, etc. and if others look and get something from it, all the better. Your blog is always an interesting insight into you and I do enjoy it, although I often get far behind on my reading .... Cheers.

Jeannette said...

Thanks for your understanding read, Neal. We are drawing in many lovely birds this winter and chiding the squirrels . Hope your days are full

GretchenJoanna said...

Hooray for a small step! I think about (some of) these questions all the time, too. Why am I journaling? Will my box of old journals be a burden that my children shuffle from place to place after I'm gone, unwilling to toss out, but uninterested to delve into? Will I ever go back and read my own journals that I am writing currently? One thing I haven't thought of doing is typing them up! I bet if you did that with yours it would generate many more journal entries and maybe even blog posts, so I hope you do :-)

DavidDavid said...


Jeannette said...

Thank you understand.